
September 16, 2000


Thirteen members attended the September 16th meeting of the Great Plains Heisey Club in the home of Gary and Shelby in Omaha, Nebraska.. President Tom called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. The minutes from the July 15th meeting were approved without change. The Treasurer's Report was approved as presented. Membership and Publicity Chair Trudy reported that at the November meeting it would be time to renew memberships for 2001.


Old Business
Mary and Gregg reported on the web site. They will try to have more completed by the November meeting. If anyone would like to write copy for the web site, please let them know.


New Business
The November 11th meeting will be in Kansas City at the home of Tom and Kathy. Mary will send out directions to their home with the minutes. The program will be Heisey baskets. November will also be the annual meeting of the Great Plains Heisey Club so there will be an officer election and a dues discussion. There was no further new business.


The program was presented by Tom and Harold on Heisey patterns before 1910. Most major patterns were represented. Some of the pieces representing the patterns included #1201 Fandango water jug, #1205 Cut Block custard souvenir pitcher, #1205 Fancy Loop cruet, #160 Locket on Chain large comport, #1225 Plain Band molasses and nappy, #1235 Beaded Panel and Sunburst goblet, #150 Pointed Oval and Diamond Point emerald creamer, #1250 Groove and Slash four inch nappy, #1255 Pineapple and Fan emerald rose bowl, #1280 Winged Scroll emerald cruet, #300 Peerless individual drink decanter, #1295 Beaded Swag custard souvenir wine, #305 Punty and Diamond Point comport, #310 Ring Band custard creamer, #315 Panelled Cane nappy, #8047 Cane and Bar custard souvenir creamer, #325 Pillows relish and footed rose bowl, #335 Prince of Wales Plumes creamer, #337 Touraine punch cup, #339 Continental low sherbet and wine, #343 Sunburst footed jelly, #351 Priscilla two handled footed jelly, #1776 Kalonyal footed jelly, #352 Flat Panel lavender jar, #365 Old Queen Anne wine, #331 Colonial Panel cruet, #369 Hartman tumbler, #150 Banded Flute chamberstick, and #16 Classic, #20 Sheffield, #21 Aristocrat, #22 Windsor, #25 Federal, #30 Tom Thumb and #31 Jack Be Nimble candlesticks.


Show and Tell included a #1483 Stanhope six inch plate, #100 Centennial blue flash candlesticks with a signed Hawkes cutting, #1401 Empress cream soup and #411 Tudor French dressing (these were sold by a dealer as a cream and sugar set), #1401 Empress Sahara Old Colony etch pitcher, #343 Sunburst ten inch nappy, #350 Pinwheel and Fan ten inch nappy, two #352 Flat Panel lavender jars in different sizes, #1401 Empress two handled etched platter with cutting, and a #1205 Raindrop moongleam floral bowl.


The next meeting will be November 11th at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Tom and Kathy in Kansas City. The program will be Heisey baskets. If guests or prospective new members would like to attend, please contact Mary at mcameron@ames .net.