March 11, 2000
Twenty members attended the March 11th meeting of the Great Plains Heisey Club in the home of Gary and Shelby in Omaha, Nebraska. President Tom called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. The minutes from the November 20th meeting were approved without change. The Treasurer's Report was approved as presented. The Membership and Publicity Chairperson, Trudy, reported a total of 35 paid members. An invitation was sent to other individuals, including advisement of dues and requirement of membership in the Heisey Collectors of America, Inc.
There was no old business.
New business included:
Tom will be sending our club application to HCA so we can receive our charter at the Heisey Convention in June. A discussion was held regarding possible program ideas for future meetings. The following schedule was set for 2000:
May 13 - Ridgeleigh pattern
July 8 - Bring your favorite and/or first piece of Heisey
September 9 - Early patterns before 1910
November 11 - Cruets, oils, syrups
Harold, Program Chairperson, will also be bringing information about the Heisey Moulds and the use of the black light. Other program ideas discussed for future meetings were: Heisey animals, additional patterns, fakes, sugar and creamers, stems, and Heisey by Imperial.
Pat donated a Heisey ash try for the silent auction with the proceeds to go to the club’s treasury.
There was no further new business.
Harold presented the program on Heisey colors. Heisey pieces in all colors were displayed except vaseline and tangerine. Harold also distributed an informational handout about Heisey colors.
Show and tell included a Harvey amber tumbler, a #4163 Whaley jug and 6 #3312 Gayoso goblets with matching cuttings, a Ridgeleigh lamp vase, a Plateau (#3359) rose bowl vase in moongleam, a Rococo nappy in sahara, a Fancy Loop individual creamer in emerald, a Narrow Flute nut in moongleam, a Narrow Flute relish with marigold stain in a metal basket, an Empress candlestick in sahara, a Saturn cruet and Stanhope goblet in Zircon, a #357 duck ashtray in flamingo, a Creole wine and an Empress nut dish in Alexandrite, a moongleam Fairacre footed and handled ice tea, two petticoat dolphin candlesticks, a Rococo combination mayo and relish, Empress 7 inch triplex relishes in all production colors except Zircon, and many more items.
Kathy ended the meeting showing a video of the Heisey Museum. The next meeting will be May 13, at 3:00 p.m. allocation to be determined later.