
July 15, 2000


Twelve members attended the July 15th meeting of the Great Plains Heisey Club in the home of Rex and Pat in Elkhorn, Nebraska. President Tom called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. The minutes from the May 13th meeting were approved without change. The Treasurer's Report was approved as presented. Membership and Publicity Chair Trudy reported a total of 37 paid members.


Old Business:
Correspondence was read from new member, Loretta . Jean, who could not attend the meeting, sent a letter as well as three Heisey toothpicks for the program. Thank you Jean. Mary and Gregg reported on the web site. Ideas for the site include: minutes from meetings, background information about the club and the club’s purpose, and pictures of items from Show and Tell. A rough draft will be done by the September meeting.


New Business:
Tom and Kathy and Rex and Pat gave a recap of the Heisey Convention. They shared experiences from the convention including receiving our charter as an official Heisey study club. Tom reviewed the new Heisey book, The Early Years by Shirley Dunbar.


John and Trudy donated a Heisey Rooster Vase for the silent auction with proceeds going to the Great Plains treasury. There was no further new business.


The program was presented by Harold on Heisey toothpicks. Eighteen toothpick patterns were shared.


Show and Tell included a hawthorne flower block with a duck insert, a #465 Recessed Panel 1/2 pound candy jar in emerald, a #335 Prince of Wales/Plumes table set with red and gold flashing, a #310 Ring Band custard table set, a signed swan, a pair of fish candlesticks, a #4222 sahara Horseshoe vase with matching sugar and creamer, a #1401 Empress nasturtium bowl in sahara with a cutting, #394 Narrow Flute cube sugar in flamingo, a #1200 Cut Block sugar and creamer, a #1200 Cut Block compote, a #325 Pillows salt dip, a #1511 Tourjours apple marmalade with cutting, a #1252 Twist crystal footed creamer, a #305 Punty and Diamond Point paste jar/muselage jar with sterling top, a #150 Banded Flute match box, a #394 Narrow Flute hostess set which included tray and sherbet, a Sawtooth Band berry bowl, a Spanish stem goblet with cutting, a #1205 Fancy Loop punch bowl, a #393 1/2 Narrow Flute bowl in flamingo, a #1533 Wampum fluted bowl, and a Daisy & Leaf cream and sugar.


The next meeting will be September 16 at 1:30 p.m. at the home of John and Trudy to be determined later. The program will be early patterns before 1910.