
May 13, 2000


Sixteen members attended the May 13th meeting of the Great Plains Heisey Club in the home of John and Trudy in Omaha, Nebraska. President Tom called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. The minutes from the March 11th meeting were approved without change. The Treasurer's Report was approved as presented. The Membership and Publicity Chairperson, Trudy, reported a total of 36 paid members.


Old Business:
It was decided to change the July meeting to July 15th to avoid the holiday week. Also the time has been changed to 1:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the home of Rex and Pat. The program for the July meeting will be to bring your favorite or first piece of Heisey and also Heisey toothpicks. Tom will once again coordinate what toothpicks will be brought to share to avoid duplication. Members are asked to please RSVP to the hosts. Mary will remind members when the minutes are sent to members.


The Great Plains Heisey Club application for charter has been sent to HCA. We have been accepted as an official study club. The Files, Luckes and Sampsons will be at the convention to accept the charter.

The Files and Mocks shared their experience at the All-Heisey show that was held in Gaithersburg, Maryland on March 18, 2000.


New Business:
Tom and Kathy donated a Crystolite salt and pepper for silent auction with proceeds to go to the Great Plains treasury. Tom announce a new book about Heisey early years from 1896-1924 will be published in June. Shirley Dunbar from Florida is the author.Gregg and Mary will work on designing a web page for the club. A discussion was held about other ideas for meetings such as a trade table or a want and needs list of lids, sugars, creamers, candlesticks, etc. Max informed the members of the Elegant Class Show and Sale sponsored by the Dixieland Heisey Study Club that will be held on October 13-15, 2000. Watch for more details of that show in the Heisey News. There was no further new business.


The program was presented on Ridgeleigh. Tom coordinated the pieces of Ridgeleigh that the members brought to share so a wide variety was shown. A Radiance sugar and creamer were also shared so members could see the difference between authentic Ridgeleigh and a pattern often confused with Ridgeleigh. Ridgeleigh shared included two 12 inch fruit bowls in zircon, a 10 inch five-compartment star relish, two 6 inch flared vases in zircon, a 6 inch comport with cover, a covered marmalade, a cologne bottle, blown stems and moulded stems, 1-light candelabrum with prisms, a roly-poly coaster, and coasters and ash trays in their original boxes, and many other pieces.


Show and Tell included a tangerine stemmed goblet, a #1401 Empress nut in alexandrite (which turned out to be a surprise gift from a member to his wife), a Trophy candlestick in flamingo, a #134 Trident candlestick in moongleam, a #1295 Beaded Swag spooner in opal, an etched horseradish, a #3390 Carcassonne sahara stem, a dresser jar with matching brush and mirror, a #1540 Lariat carmel dish with flower cutting on lid, a #341 Old Williamsburg cheese and cracker tiered tray,a #365 Old Queen Ann 10 inch bowl, a #301 Old Williamsburg one light hurricane lamp with a cutting on the chimney, a #305 Punty and Diamond Point relish, a #3390 Carsassonne cigarette holder and ashtrays with matching Saint Alban cuttings, 114 Pluto candlesticks in hawthorne with cutting, and a #467 helmet basket with the Heisey Windsor cutting.


The meeting was adjourned. Anyone wanting to join our club or be a guest at a future meeting in the Omaha area, should contact Mary at cameron_mg@mchsi.com.