
July 19, 2014


July 19, 2014, was a lovely day in Omaha, NE for 26 members of the Great Plains Heisey Club to meet at the new “Mock Manor”.  John and Trudy Mock claim they have downsized but the rest of us just oohed and aahed and enjoyed the new floor plan.  There’s still lots of space for their wonderful Heisey collection to be elegantly displayed.


This was a new concept for our lunch – a potluck that brought many and varied dishes, all delicious.


After President John Mock called our meeting to order, sadly we heard the announcement of Marilyn Sampson’s death on June 24, 2014.  Marilyn was one of the founders of our Club along with Mary Cameron.  A motion was passed to make a $100 donation to the Heisey Museum Endowment Fund as a memorial.  Marilyn was a lovely lady – she will be missed.


The attendees expressed thanks to Mary Cameron for her 4 years of dedicated service as an HCA Board of Directors member. Mary is our third member to have been on the Board, preceded by Jean Will and Tom Files.  All have worked hard for HCA.


There were 12 of our Club members at HCA’s convention in June.  It was a great time together and we express thanks to Traci Dusenberry for chairing the event and doing her job so well.  Our Glen Gall was the winner of the table display section of the “Big Show”.  (See the pictures on the GPHC website and thanks to Dan Kilgore for arranging that crowd pleaser).  Our Club was happy to donate $2,400 to HCA this year at the Convention – split evenly between the operating account and the Endowment Fund.


“Martha’s Moment” was an explanation of how Trudy and John designed a very unique water feature beside their home entrance.  We all had seen it and loved it as we arrived -- a Greek Key punch bowl receiving water that pours down, spills over the side, and recirculates.  Trudy had placed some bright green flowers in the punch bowl for extra pizzaz.  So clever!  (Yes, it does occasionally freeze in Nebraska in the winter so the fountain is designed for the punch bowl to be relocated inside).


Eric Tankesley-Clarke presented our program, “Golden Waves of Sahara”.  Eric had asked members to bring Sahara pieces from their collections – favorites or unusual pieces or examples with cuttings or etchings.  Additional information was supplied by Eric as he talked about the Sahara items (and what an impressive array of Sahara it was).  Eric announced that Empress and Queen Ann patterns will be the theme of our September program.


Show and Tell at this meeting – what a nice dilemma to write about – way too much to list it all.  Many attendees had just returned from their convention buying spree.  It made the Show & Tell tables look like a dealer’s booth.  A few representative pieces on display:  Lariat handled celery heart tray; Plaid vase; Rococo candlesticks, Sahara; #4228 Favor Vase, Hawkes cut; Cut Block and Continental water bottles; Hi-Lo vase, Sahara; Continental footed table set, cut; Prism Band decanter; Fern 1 handled jelly; Quilt 10 inch nappy; Dorothy vase, Flamingo; Carcassonne cigarette holder, elaborate cut; Park Avenue claret, cut; Corinthian cordial; and goblets galore – Shasta, special George VI cutting; Loren, special cutting; two Empress Lily goblets, 1 with Limelight bowl, 1 with Limelight stem; Monte Cristo, Krall trial Japanese Scene cutting; Old Dominion, Chintz etching, Alexandrite; Elizabeth; Spanish, Krall cutting; and many, many other rarely seen stems.  You had to be there.


Our auction of Heisey pieces and the sale of Jean’s jellies brought our meeting to an end.  Not really an end; just adjournment for dessert time which was another yummy experience.


Thanks to John and Trudy Mock for hosting another fun and informative Great Plains Heisey Club meeting.  September 13, 2014, will find us at Beaver Lake near Plattsmouth, NE at the Gregerson’s home.  We’ll be enjoying another potluck lunch before our meeting.  Check out our latest information and pictures on our website www.greatplainsheiseyclub.org.