March 8, 2014
Fifteen winter-weary Great Plains Heisey Club folks met on March 8, 2014, in Urbandale, IA to enjoy some Heisey time! Glen Gall hosted a wonderfully delicious lunch by guest chefs Marian & Tim Holmes so we started in fine, well-fed fashion. Our newest members, Iowan’s Rose and Milt Piontkowski, viewed Glen’s beautiful Heisey collection with their main focus on his wall of candlesticks.
President John Mock called the meeting to order and we started with our program about the Revere and Yeoman patterns. Our knowledgeable member Eric Tankesley-Clarke (don’t you love his Heisey News articles?) provided many examples of those two patterns. He clarified many of the mysteries of those pattern series #1180 items. Heisey’s #1180 pattern numbers still keep us guessing but I know we love our Revere and Yeoman pieces.
Previous meeting minutes were approved and the Treasurer’s report given. Milt Piontkowski shared how their interest in Heisey candlesticks started at an auction. We passed the “hat” for our lunch donations – Glen generously donated the proceeds back to our Treasury, thank you.
“Martha” was absent but President John told of seeing a fake Heisey mark (more of a square H) in a Colonial styled banana split dish – beware!
We respectfully reported on the deaths of Jay Barker and Dick Marsh. We reminisced on Dick and Ginny coming to both our Percy Moore events in Omaha, with Dick recounting memories of Percy and the early Heisey days. GPHC extends caring thoughts to both families whose contributions to HCA are greatly appreciated.
Our member, Gregg Cameron, has made great progress on his Heisey News digitization project. Mary Cameron updated us on Board news and reminded us of HCA Convention events and PVM in Old Williamsburg dates. The Club agreed to work out details for a display at the Convention show.
We hear “there is no Heisey to be found anymore” all the time but our members evidently didn’t get the message this past winter. They found Heisey and brought it for Show & Tell. Too many items to list but a few included: #1116 Twin Salt; Hartman Candy Jar with cutting; Medium Flat Panel Marmalade with cutting; #3419 Brandy Snifter with Del Monte cutting; Kalonyal Sugar Sifter; Ridgeleigh Salt; Emogene Vase, diamond optic, Flamingo; Carcassonne Footed Bar with Lotus Classic Etching, Sahara; Peerless Vase, Rose; #4192 1/2 Vase with Enchantress cutting; Earnshaw syrup with cutting; #1951A Elephant Mug; and #21 Hatpin Holder.
An auction of Heisey pieces and Jean’s jams was held to raise money for the treasury.
Our meeting was adjourned so we could enjoy the tasty desserts made by Jean and Bucky Will and our host.
Our next meeting will be in Ames, IA on May 10 at Mary and Gregg Cameron’s home. Doors open at 11:30 am – don’t be early. Guests are always welcome. Check out our website at greatplainsheiseyclub.org for our latest happenings and pictures.