
July 9, 2022


You know it’s going to be hot when you head to Kansas in the middle of July!  The car thermometer hit 100 degrees as sixteen members and one guest of the Great Plains Heisey Club passed through Wichita, Kansas on the way to the National Depression Glass Convention and Show.


The members were met by Ande and Greg Henne with welcome bags filled with goodies from the area.  Ande and Greg were our hosts for the meeting. 


We missed Tom and Kathy Files as Kathy was a little under the weather.  This was the first meeting in 23 years of our club that Tom has not attended.  Talk about perfect attendance!


Many members visited the National Depression Glass Museum in downtown Wellington, Kansas and saw the three privately funded cases honoring the Great Plains Heisey Club.  These cases are a great educational display for Heisey glass in the Museum.


On Saturday morning, under the direction of John and Trudy, members set up a display providing information about the Heisey Collectors of American and the National Heisey Glass Museum. Then, members flocked to the glass show to see what Heisey treasures they could find.  At 1:00 p.m., our own Ande and Greg Henne presented a convention seminar on the History of Heisey Glass.  They exhibited at least 40 different patterns and colors to showcase during the seminar.


After the seminar, the Great Plains Club proceeded with their July meeting.  President John Mock called the meeting to order and the minutes from our May meeting were approved.  In Tom’s absence, John gave the treasurer’s report.


John congratulated our own Eric Tankesley-Clarke on his election to the HCA Board of Directors.  He then led a recap of the HCA convention. For the Martha Moment, Trudy thanked the club members for their help with the table displays at the convention and shared information about the displays.


The Club voted to make a donation to the National Depression Glass Association for their hospitality in allowing us to meet for free in their convention facility.


Show and Tell consisted of members unwrapping purchases from the show and sharing with members.


Our next meeting will be September 10 at the home of Donna Nyght in Shawnee, KS.


After the show closed, members went to Mulvane, Kansas for a club dinner at Luciano’s.  It was a fun weekend and everyone enjoyed the glass they found at the show.