May 12, 2012
Fourteen members of the Great Plains Heisey Club traveled to the Hawkeye State on May 12 to the home of Glen Gall. In addition to Hawkeyes, there were Cyclones, Jayhawks, Cornhuskers, Mules, and other mascots in attendance.
Lucky Glen had the help of sister-in-law Peg and niece Marian so a deliciously wonderful lunch was served in style. The variety of sandwiches, salads, and relishes was enjoyed by everyone.
President John Mock called the meeting to order – a mighty task but he does it well (especially now that he is retired). John officially thanked Glen for hosting the meeting and the hat (actually a Greek Key bowl) was passed for the lunch donation (amount declined and donated to the club treasury by Glen). The previous meeting minutes were approved and the Treasurer’s report was given by Tom Files.
We discussed how our club would handle contributions to the hospitality room at the June Heisey convention – resolved by the Files’ and Camerons agreeing to make food donations. Members were also encouraged to donate Heisey pieces to the convention auction. There will be several Great Plains members in Newark during that time so visitors are asked to please say hi and let us tell you about our Percy and Vivian Moore event in Omaha, NE on September 7 & 8, 2012.
Glen handed out a two page informational article about the differences between the #300 and the #400 colonial toothpicks (and clarified the mystery of the reported #331 toothpick). He circulated both pieces for us to examine. It was a very good teaching lesson, thanks Glen.
Our PVM event coordinator, Gregg Cameron, conducted the bulk of our meeting as a planning session. We’ve made good progress with PVM plans and also for the Board of Directors meeting that will be held during that time. We promise fun, great food and good times so everyone should mark their calendars and put Omaha in their GPS.
Trudy’s “Martha Moment” (with assistance from Pat Lucke) was to show 2 magazines featuring Heisey candlesticks and the Heisey duck and insert that was in an article about flower frogs.
Show and Tell (or Impress and Express as it is called by our niece’s 4th grade class) produced several nice display items as usual. A few: #1951 Cabochon mayo, underplate, and spoon, #1429 Pristine floral bowl with cutting, #29 Sanford 9” candlestick, #310 Ring Band toothpick in Custard, #1205 Fancy Loop individual cream and sugar as sold on a non-Heisey tray, #1114 Arcade hi-ball, #411 Tudor cream and sugar with cover and Moongleam handles, #485 Dunham butter and cover with Wheeling decoration, #1590 Zodiac salt and pepper and goblet, #132 Sunburst candlesticks in Moongleam, #1541 Athena footed urn with cover, #5057 Suez goblet with Amber stem. We also held a spirited auction to raise money for the Treasury.
Our meeting was then adjourned and dessert was served: Lemon Charlotte, Strawberry shortcake, and Rhubarb crisp. Thanks to Max and Peg for those delicious treats we devoured in near record time (we missed you, Max). Thank you, Glen, for hosting a good meeting that was sandwiched between a wonderful lunch and yummy desserts.
Our next meeting will be July 21 in Omaha at the home of John and Trudy Mock. Guests are always welcome and everyone should view the latest pictures and keep up-to-date on club happenings by checking our website at www.greatplainsheiseyclub.org.