
November 8, 2003


Mary and Gregg Cameron hosted the Great Plains Heisey Club meeting at the Urbandale Public Library.  They provided plenty of munchies and drinks—contained in various Heisey pieces.  Our November meeting always coincides with Walt Johnson’s Collector’s Extravaganza at Veteran’s Auditorium in Des Moines.   The meeting began at 1:30. 


Seventeen members and one guest (who later joined the club) were present at the business meeting.  Members introduced themselves to the guest and told where they were from since this club represents members from four different states. The minutes were approved as they were posted on the website.  The Treasurer's Report was approved as presented. 


Jean Will donated a Trident candlestick with silver overlay for the silent auction.  Our thanks to Jean.


Mary gave an update on the survey that Frank Husted conducted in September.  She will order copies of the reports that were given to the HCA Board of Directors. 


A fundraising idea was shared by Kathy and Tom Files.  They suggested club members bring items to each meeting they would like to sell for a 50-50 type auction.  50% of the sale proceeds go the donating member and 50% to the club treasury—and ultimately to HCA.   Each member would be limited to one lot per meeting and all items have to be Heisey, Heisey by Imperial or a made-for- HCA item.  Members decided to give this a try at the March meeting.


The club had a brief discussion about how to get younger members involved in HCA.  A possibility may be that HCA or an individual club should sponsor “first timers” at the convention.


Tom Files reported on a new set of candlestick books that have been published.  One of the authors is Tom Felt who did the big Heisey candlestick book.  There will be three volumes with volumes 1 and 2 available at this time.  Volume 2 has information about Heisey candlesticks.
Rex and Pat Lucke invited the club to their home on December 6 for a Holiday Open House. Mary will send out information to everyone.  The Heisey and the Holiday Decorations will be awesome.  Pat suggested members bring anything they wanted to show and tell.
Meeting dates and places for 2004 were tentatively decided:


March 20 at Jean Will’s in Leavenworth (Snow date is April 1.)  Jean will do the program on the Pillows pattern.
May 8 at Elmer and Janice Millers’ farm near Murdock, NE.  Janice will do the programon Heisey electro-portable lamps.
July 10 at John and Trudy Mock’s in Omaha.   
September 11 in Kansas City (place to be determined)
November 13 at Glen Gall’s home in Urbandale.  Not only was Glen a guest who joined, but he offered to host a meeting.


Trudy Mock and Kathy Files presented a wonderful program on dresser items including puff jars and colognes.  They also provided members with an informational handout that they had put a lot of time and effort into.  They had many examples from their collections to show the group. 


Show and Tell as usual was wonderful and the Urbandale library had plenty of tables for display.  The members remarked they were sorry that Gary Corey wasn’t there because he usually has so much for Show and Tell and here he could have as many tables as he needed for his glass.  Two members brought their Heisey champagnes they were given at the Percy Moore dinner in Dayton.  Other items included:  #333 Waldorf Astoria decanter, bitters bottles, and cruet; #355 Quator  footed cream and sugar in Sahara; #1220 Punty Band oil and stopper; #337 Touraine 1/2 gallon jug with etching; #1997 Sahara HCA tiger and an Imperial Slag tiger; #1183 Yeoman one pound covered candy with a cutting overall (one of a matching pair); #1184 Yeoman 11 inch center handled tray/three compartment in Flamingo; #1401 Empress nut cup in Moongleam; #3397 Gascony Tomato Juice Pitcher with #453 Ambassador etch; #358 Solitaire individual ashtray in Flamingo; 2 ringneck pheasants “shot down” in the hinterlands of NE; #3408 Jamestown stem with a cutting no one could identify,  an unknown but marked triangular ash tray, and many more items.