March 29, 2003
The Great Plains Heisey Club had their first meeting of 2003 on March 29, 2003 in Kansas City. Fourteen members and seven guests were present. (Four of the guests later joined the club for 2003.)
President Kathy Files called the meeting to order late because of the large amount of “winter” purchased Heisey that was brought for sharing. It is hard to control this group of Heisey buyers. The minutes of the November meeting were approved as they were sent out to members. The Treasurer's Report was approved as presented.
Officers for 2003 were elected: John Mock, President; Mary Cameron, Secretary; and Tom Files, Treasurer. Dues were collected from those members present and Mary Cameron will contact the members who were not at the meeting.
Pat and Rex Lucke have graciously offered to donate an item for the club to donate to the Silent Auction at the HCA Convention. This gift was accepted and the club greatly appreciates the generosity of the Luckes’.
The Club also decided to donate $200.00 to the Centerpiece Fundraising Project. Because of the distance between our club’s membership and the difficulty in determining a theme representing club members from four states, a donation seemed a better choice.
The Club will also donate $50.00 for the refreshments at the HCA Convention. Treasurer Files was asked to take care of sending the checks.
Mary Cameron will send in the Club’s annual report.
Tom Files gave a wonderful program on etchings, cuttings, and carvings. He had an excellent handout and brought many pieces with various Heisey cuttings and etchings.
There were so many Show and Tell items that not all will be mentioned in the minutes. (The secretary was not lazy, but just too engrossed in the glass displayed.) Items shared included: #353 Medium Flat Panel cream and sugar with #679 Windsor cutting; #517 Circle Pair Jug; #1252 Twist Candlestick in Marigold; #325 Pillows Footed Comport; #7013 Thumbprint and Angle puff jar; #394 Narrow Flute footed fruit; #1403 Dowager grapefruit; #480 Daisy and Leaves basket; #1503 Cystolite shell combination salad and mayo; #394 Narrow Flute covered mustard; # 305 Punty and Diamond Point spooner; #1489 1/2 Candleblock (full cut); #1550 Fish Bowl; #351 Priscilla 10 oz. Pilsner; and #1205 Fancy Loop footed compote with gold.
The next meeting will be at Rex and Pat Lucke’s in Elkhorn, NE on May 10, 2003 at 1:30 p.m.