September 14, 2013
No cotton candy – no corn dogs! September 14, 2013 was a perfect “going to the Fair day” – a day for a cherished souvenir of Heisey glass. That was our program topic, souvenir pieces and pieces personalized and dated with family names and places for special occasions.
Twenty members attended the Great Plains Heisey Club meeting at the home of Glen Gall in Urbandale, IA. Glen has a wonderful collection of Heisey to view (all sparkling clean), great kitchen helpers (Peg & Jim), and a beautiful dog, Callie. The lunch was several super salads, sides, and Peg’s delicious homemade dinner rolls.
With happy faces and full stomachs, our meeting was called to order by President John Mock. Minutes were approved and the Treasurer’s report was given. Bob and Bev Heise love Heisey so much they joined our club also – welcome aboard.
Mary Cameron, board member, provided details about the Percy & Vivian Moore weekend in Newark, OH, October 11-13. Some of our members will be there to enjoy that event and participate in the Fall select auction.
A letter from acting President Michael Maher thanking our club for the $1,800 donation towards renovation of the museum guest engagement area was read. It was also noted various members donated large amounts of glass for museum gift shop sales. Tom & Kathy Files and John & Trudy Mock received thanks from the National Depression Glass Association for their Heisey display in Wellington, KS in July. And the Files’ received thanks for the Heisey piece (Twist Newark Sesquicentennial platter) they donated to the NDGA Museum.
Trudy Mock’s “Martha Moments” were picture-taking hints to follow when moving your Heisey collection – as they are doing in an attempt to downsize. Trudy is taking photos of each display cabinet before packing the glassware and then using those photos to help place pieces at their new home. Good to do also when removing pieces used for holiday decorating. Always good to include detailed labels on boxes to relieve your memory of extra stress.
Eric Tankesley-Clarke opened our program about souvenir pieces made by Heisey. There were two long tables of examples in ivorina verde, opal, red flash, and gold on emerald (and a few crystal examples). Heisey creamers, mugs, toothpicks, salt & peppers, rose bowls, were displayed along with a spectacular Punty Band pitcher and 6 tumblers personalized with names & German writing of the “Mannechor” club in Newark. These pieces were painted with lovely wild roses & trimmed with excellent gold.Our members have a good eye for pretty pieces. Many of the pieces were decorated with the same floral painting – probably done by the Oriental Decorating Co. Mary and Gregg Cameron also had 3 old postcards showing scenes from the locations named on their toothpicks. It was noted how frequently upper Midwest locations were used on Heisey souvenir pieces. It was a very interesting program (suggested by Greg Henne) for this season (or just past) of State and County fairs. We also watched the video about the making of the 2013 HCA convention souvenir black Tulip vase. We highly recommend everyone take the time to view this CD. Handmade glass is becoming a lost art.
As usual, we got to see some great Heisey pieces during the Show & Tell segment – as always there were too many to list. Some examples: Ring Band jug with floral decoration; 2 Aristocrat candlesticks, 1 full cut, 1 with a cutting; Melon (Newcomer) handled jelly and a blown look-a-like; #4085 & 4085 1/2 Kohinoor 12 oz. sodas; #5044 Constellation ice tea; Polonaise, Clarence, and Russell goblets; #8070 Triple Band bar; Foursome cocktail jug; Whirlpool punch bowl underplate; and a #7103 sterilizing jar including instrument holder & cover made on special order for John Hood Co.
A spirited auction of Jean’s jams & jellies and Heisey pieces was held to raise money for the treasury.
The meeting was adjourned and homemade desserts were served. Again, more good choices – pecan pie, mint brownies, apple crisp and ice cream or fruit. Thank you, Glen, for another great time at your home.
Our next meeting will be November 9, 2013 in Elkhorn, NE at the home of Pat and Rex Lucke. Guests are welcome if we know you are coming.
Check out all our club news at www.greatplainsheiseyclub.org.