September 11, 2021
Our club members are always happy to meet at the home of Marcie and Eric Bergquist in Omaha but we had to start by reflecting on the sad 20th anniversary of a horrible terrorist attack on our country. Joann and Bill Hagerty were co-hosts; so glad to see them after several months.
To start the day, we had a great taco buffet bar as our lunch treat in the beautifully remodeled Bergquist kitchen.
Minutes were approved and Treasurer report given as our President, John Mock, led off the discussion of agenda items. He gave condolences to our members Lehi and Chris German due to the passing of his sister, Carol, who was a Heisey and Westmoreland collector. The October Percy & Vivian Moore event was reviewed and several of our members are planning to attend the PVM and auction – we're hoping Covid restrictions don't interfere. Members were reminded to contact Mary Olson, HCA Secretary, if they want to donate to the silent auction during PVM week.
The successful raffle ticket holder was our host, Marcie. An extensive audit was conducted since her mother was the one who drew her ticket from the hat but she was quickly cleared. There were some really nice pieces of Heisey in the box filled by Jen and Kelly Bragg with a little assistance from Trudy and John Mock. Thanks to the donors and ticket purchasers we raised some money for our Treasury and ultimately HCA.
No Martha's Moment at this meeting since our Martha was not feeling well so maybe we will have 2 MM's at our next meeting.
Our program director, Eric Tankesley-Clarke, provided an extensive program table filled with eye-catching bi-color Heisey pieces plus an informative hand-out to lead us along. I don't think any of us had focused on the different techniques Heisey used to combine colors on so many items. Many of the items displayed are rarely seen: like 3 Limelight/Crystal Empress Lily stems, all with different bowl treatments. A lively Q&A session followed. Eric always dazzles us with his knowledge and creative programs.
There were some impressive Show & Tell pieces: Cobalt Madonna #2 made by Mosser for HCA, Ridgeleigh 9” salad bowl, Queen Ann candleholders, Revere individual cream and sugar and Yeoman stack set – both with Tuthill cutting, possibly Puritan full cut candleblocks, Fish match holders, Waverly candleblocks, Plain Band 4” square berry bowls, Lobe pickle and olive, Coventry claret/Zeuse cutting, Plantation single candlestick, an unusual Plantation piece appearing to be made from a Plantation salver but with a different base, plus others I've missed with apologies to the contributors.
Jean Will wasn't in attendance but she made sure Eric delivered her homemade jams and jellies to sell – they all sold out as usual – they're a hot item with our group.
John adjourned the meeting so we could partake of delicious homemade banana cake and apple crisp with ice cream desserts prepared by our co-hosts. Tom did a quick tally and reported a total of $515 was raised at this meeting.
Thanks also to Gregg Cameron who keeps our website chock full of current happenings and informative history. Check it out at greatplainsheiseyclub.org for pictures taken at this meeting plus lots of other good stuff.
Our next meeting, on November 13, will be at the home of Pat & Rex Lucke (or Heisey Museum West as it is often called) in Elkhorn, NE. Looking forward to seeing everyone at our final meeting of 2021 – and guests are always welcomed.