
September 14, 2024


It was a beautiful fall day as the Great Plains Heisey Club traveled to Iowa for their September meeting.


Lunch was served to twenty members and guests.


President, John Mock was absent for the meeting, so Tom Files took on the roles of president and treasurer for the meeting. The hat was passed for lunch and the Camerons donated the proceeds to the club treasury.


Tom called the meeting to order and Mary Cameron asked for the members to honor the passing of member Kathy Files with a few moments of silence.  Kathy was an important member of our club and will be extremely missed.  The club voted to make a donation to the Museum Endowment Fund in her memory.


The minutes of the July 13th meeting and the treasurer’s report were approved.  The July minutes will be published in the October Heisey News. The September minutes should be published in the November Heisey News. Tom gave a medical update on several of our members.


The HCA fall auctions were discussed. The club should have 4-5 members attending. Thank you to Eric, Donna and Bucky for helping to catalog the items for the auctions.


Eric gave a HCA Board of Directors report.  He mentioned that bids are being taken to replace the bathroom floors at the Museum.   An assistant curator has been hired on a probationary basis to help Walter with the Museum collection. Members also asked about the status of the HVAC fundraising and if the board has had any discussion about a plan to replace the older units. Mary and Eric also talked about the work that David Malick has done with the Heisey archives.  Members were not familiar with the Sharepoint drive that was created for sharing the materials.  Many asked if an Egram could be sent out with the link.


Ande Henne gave a report about the National Depression Glass Convention in Tiffin, Ohio and announced the 2025 convention will be in Springfield, Illinois.


Tom reminded members to buy the new edition of the Heisey Candlestick Book.


There was no Martha’s Moment.  Bucky won the raffle box.


Eric gave the program on Heisey tumblers.  The program table included 90-100 tumblers.


Show and Tell items included  No. 6040 Lariat goblet, No. 2401 Oakwood Bar with “Rube” etch, No. 445 Fine Tooth nappy, No. 3407 Overdorf mug with tangerine handle, No. 500 Octagon 5 part tray with an unknown cutting, and No.350 White Owl ashtray.


A lively 50/50 auction was held and the meeting was adjourned for dessert. Dessert included cakes celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Great Plains Club. Tom and Mary told stories of the early days of the club.


Our next meeting will be November 9, in Leavenworth, Kansas at the home of Jean Will with Jean, Bucky and Janet hosting.