
November 13, 2004


The Great Plains Heisey Club met on Saturday, November 13, 2004 at the home of Glen Gall in Urbandale, Iowa.   Twenty members and three guests started the meeting at 1:00 with a fabulous pre-Thanksgiving buffet dinner.   President John Mock finally started the business meeting at 2:00 to a rather subdued (full of food) group.  The minutes were approved as they were posted on the website. Tom Files, Treasurer, reported a healthy balance of $1,203.69 due to some very lucrative 50-50 auctions we have been having.  Mary Cameron announced that this was the Fifth anniversary of their first meeting as a study club.  She mentioned that we have 38 active members in the club and can only remember one meeting that was cancelled in the first five years.


President Mock started the meeting with some general announcements about the  correspondence we received from the Casson and Kallmer families.


Jean and Bucky Will gave a report on the Percy Moore dinner they attended in North Carolina on October 2.  About 75 people attended the dinner and the visit to Replacements, Ltd., was definitely the highlight of the trip.  The favor for the dinner was punch cups that everyone then donated to HCA for the holiday activity.  Table decorations included Heisey candelabras.  The fundraiser for the event was an auction.  The 2005 Percy Moore dinner will be in Newark.


The club then held a discussion about the possibility of the Great Plains Club hosting the 2006 Percy Moore dinner in one of our member states.  Ideas were discussed as to the location of where we would have it, the favors we would provide, the fundraiser we could do and many other ideas.  The club members are to think about this over the long winter and a final decision will be made at the March, 2005 meeting.


Club members also discussed a fundraising idea that Jean Will has obtained permission for us to do.  Jean is going to check to see if the Museum will sell our idea, Gregg is going to check on the cost to make the item and then we will decide on how much we will charge for the item.  Club members thought a first run of 100 will be a good start.


Officers for 2005 were unanimously elected:  Bucky Will, President; Mary Cameron, Secretary; and Tom Files, Treasurer.  Club members all appreciate the work that the officers have done over the years.


We also set meeting dates and locations for 2005:
April 2 - John and Trudy - Omaha - Syrups will be the program.
May 14 - ? - Kansas City - Program to be determined
July 9 - Eric and Marcie - Omaha - Program to be determined
September 10 - ? - Kansas City - Program to be determined
November 12 - Glen - Des Moines - Program to be determined


Glen coordinated a fabulous program on water pitchers and jugs.  All members brought examples of the many kinds of items made by Heisey, filling up two large tables.  He encouraged everyone to get a copy of the “Field Guide to Pitchers and Jugs” from the Heisey museum. (If they aren’t still available, that would be a great item to reprint.)


Another successful 50-50 auction was conducted and raised a net of $273.00 for the club treasury--thanks to all who donated and purchased.  This activity has become our primary fundraiser.


Show and Tell with this group is always the wildest part of the meeting.  Our club members are buyers.  Some of the items shared were:  #113 Mars Flamingo candlesticks; #1567 Plantation card holder; #485 Kohinoor 7 inch ball vase; #1469 Ridgeleigh cigarette box and ash trays; #150 Pointed Oval and Diamond Point pitcher & cream - both in Emerald; #1404 Old Sandwich ash tray in Flamingo; #1776 Kalonyal toothpick; #341 1/2 Puritan Squat 3 pint jug;  #3394 Saxony Vase; #325 Pillows water bottle; #1183 French dressing and plate in Flamingo; #429 Plain Panel Recess pitcher; #20 Flower Block in Sahara; #1428 Warwick two light candlesticks,  #1183 Revere Basket with cutting and many, many more items.


The Great Plains Heisey Club does not meet over the winter due to distance between members locations tied to the chancy Midwest winter weather.  Everyone was wished a blessed holiday season and “Good Heisey Hunting”.