September 11, 2004
The Great Plains Heisey Club met on Saturday, September 11, 2004 at the home of Gary and Shelby Corey in Overland Park, Kansas. Eighteen members and three guests started the meeting late due to all the food Shelby had displayed across her kitchen counter for members to feast on before the meeting.
President John Mock had trouble calling the meeting to order at 2:00 because of the feasting and touring of the Corey home. (One of the guests decided to start collecting Heisey bar items after seeing pieces in the Corey collection). The minutes were approved and are posted on the website. Tom Files, Treasurer, reported a healthy balance of $1014.19.
The first item of business was a discussion about the amount of money in our treasury and making contributions to HCA. It was decided that at the May meeting each year, we will decide on a contribution to HCA, so that club members representing Great Plains Heisey Club can make a donation announcement at the convention. In the past, we have supported HCA activities and given donations after the convention; we need to show that support at convention time. In addition, at the May meeting, we will discuss donations to the silent auction, blind auction, hospitality center and other HCA needs.
Two letters were received from HCA President Dick Smith thanking us for our donation to the Blind Auction, the Centerpiece Auction, and the donation in memory of LaDon Kallmer’s mother.
Jean Will, who is on the Board at HCA, gave a report of her activities so far. She and Bucky are going to North Carolina for the Percy Moore dinner. Jean discussed with club members the possibility of hosting the Percy Moore dinner sometime in the future. She is going to find out more details about what hosting the dinner requires and report back at a later meeting.
Gary Corey gave a fantastic program on Heisey smoking items. He delivered the information via a Powerpoint presentation and had either pictures of the smoking items or the actual smoking items from various club members’ collections. It was quite an array of interesting items to see. Gary is going to refine his presentation even further and make CDs available to club members and put the presentation on our website.
Another successful 50-50 auction was conducted and raised a net of $202.50 for the club treasury--thanks to all who donated and purchased. This activity has become our primary fundraiser.
Show and Tell with this group is always the biggest part of the meeting. Our club members are buyers. Some of the items shared were: #1519 Waverly Candy Jar with Cover and Seahorse Handles in Amber; #1295 Beaded Swag Crystal Creamer with Gold Band; #1469 Ridgeleigh Two-Light Candlesticks with Bobeches and “A” Prisms; #1200 Cut Block 8 inch footed Compote; #1205 Fancy Loop 9 inch Potpourri Jar; #1223 Fluted Border Hot and Cold Liner; #1495 Fern 6 inch Bonbon; #465 Recessed Panel Candy Jar and Cover; #1401 Empress 6 inch plate with Old Colony Etch; #1193 Inside Scallop Cucumber Dish in Moongleam; #429 Plain Panel Recessed Cruet; and much, much more.
Our November 13, 2004, meeting will be at Glen Gall’s home in Urbandale, IA in conjunction with Walt Johnson’s Collector’s Extravaganza held in Des Moines. Directions to Glen’s home will be provided later. The meeting will begin at 1:00 with a buffet lunch, so bring your appetites. The program will be on jugs and pitchers. Glen will let everyone know about bringing items for the program.