September 10, 2016
We had a great TIME in Leavenworth, KS on September 10, 2016 at the home of our great lady, Jean Will. Hosting duties were shared by Bucky Will along with Greg and Ande Henne. Janet Jones and daughter Hannah supplied our “Heisey” cake and other needed assistance. The Heisey cake was a delicious chocolate layer cake with the diamond H logo and Heisey individual swan nuts adorning the top.
President John Mock called the meeting to order on a beautiful sunny day following a fabulous Italian themed buffet lunch of lasagna, spaghetti, meatballs, sausage, salad and bread. Great food enjoyed by all 24 attendees, including new members Kelly and Jennifer Bragg. Minutes of our July meeting were approved and the Treasurer's report was given. Gregg Cameron, HCA Board member, updated us about Museum activity. Discussion was held about plans for attendees of the Dallas Percy & Vivian Moore event.
Martha's Moment (aka Trudy Mock) clarified some information about Heisey's #1 Madonnas and those made by Imperial. Eric Tankesley-Clarke presented the program on nuts and open salts with examples of Heisey pieces and lookalikes. Confusion reigns whether salt or nut in some cases, almond or Brazil nut, etc. but Eric straightened out things and resolved some questions from attendees. Thank you, Eric, for another lovely presentation and good information.
Show and Tell produced quite a variety of items including:
Winged Scroll card receiver/Ivorina Verde; Stewart's root beer mug/unknown maker; 9 inch Daisy & Leaves vase; #1575 lily bowl; Punty Band individual creamer with Gettysburg decoration; Octagon variety tray with Seahorse carving; two Ramshorn goblets/rock crystal cuttings; Jamestown beer mug/Amherst crest; Groove and Slash high footed comport; Narrow Flute mustard with silver overlay; two Narrow Flute orange juices; Weaver marmalade; 12 inch Urn footed vase/Rose etching; Queen Anne toothpick; and Cabochon salt & pepper/Dolly Madison Rose cutting to name most items.
We had a successful auction with happy Heisey bid winners (thanks to those who donated). The raffle box winner was yours truly who thought Jean filled the box with wonderful treasures of Heisey. Thank you, Jean, for another above and beyond donation to our club and ultimately HCA. Brisk Jean's jam and jelly sales also added to our treasury – purchasers enjoy the jelly or gift it to friends and neighbors. Jean works hard for our club and we thank her so much!
President Mock adjourned our meeting for dessert time. The aforementioned Heisey cake was joined by Bucky Will's tiramisu to form a delicious combo. We also enjoyed sugar cookies from Trudy Mock and cream cheese bars from Kathy Files. Too much but great treats!
Thanks again to Jean and her co-hosts Bucky Will & Greg and Ande Henne.
Our next meeting will be November 12 at the home of Mary and Gregg Cameron in Ankeny, IA. The program will be on Heisey cake plates and stands.