July 9, 2016
Poker anyone? How about a Full House? That's what we had on Saturday July 9, 2016 at the Omaha home of John and Trudy Mock with 29 Great Plains members and 5 guests in attendance. What a group and what a good time! As usual, we had a delicious lunch of fried and baked chicken with numerous cold side dishes. Punch bowls were used to hold the various salads – a Sahara Empress punch bowl makes the supreme green salad presentation piece. Always unusual uses for Heisey items at Trudy's house. One example was a Greek Key punch bowl in the front outdoor fountain with a frog (plastic) trying to jump out. Or maybe he was just jumping for joy in Heisey.
President Mock called the meeting to order, minutes were approved, and Treasurer Tom Files gave a financial report including our $3,100 donation to HCA at the convention. Our shared members, Bev and Bob Heise won the convention show table display (see the July Newsletter) using pretty, pretty Zircon. Three of the tables in the display were decorated by Great Plains members.
Congratulations were offered to our club member Gregg Cameron for being elected to the HCA Board of Directors. Carry on, Gregg, and make us proud as the 4th member of the GPHC to recently serve on the Board.
'Martha's Moment' showed how to use a Heisey sugar cube tray as an olive dish and how to use small Heisey wines as holders for your favorite dip with sticks of veggies for an appetizer. We enjoyed that treat as we played a game to count “happy face” stickers that had been placed on some of the Mocks' new Heisey pieces throughout the house. The correct answer winner was Bev Heise who received a Banded Flute mug as her prize.
Our official program was on Pitchers and Jugs presented by Eric Tankesley-Clarke. (If you saw Eric's seminar at the HCA convention you know we're lucky to have him as our program director). The display covered 2 large tables and the information imparted by Eric made for an informative session – you just had to learn something! The Mocks' collection supplemented by the Luckes, Files, Jean Will, and Eric provided pitchers and jugs of nearly every pattern and size. Another great program – kudos to Eric!
Show and Tell items are always plentiful at the meeting following convention week. Some pieces displayed included Sahara: Rococo bon bon, Empress dinner plate, Lion's head bowl, Comet Leaf goblet (and a Crystal one), and Oak Leaf coaster (and a Flamingo one); Flamingo: Frog handled cheese dish, Yeoman egg cup, and an Empress variant dolphin footed plate; Juniper tumbler; 2 Punty and Diamond Point lamp shades-gas and electric; Duquesne cordial/Normandie etching; Sunburst butter with cover; Wellington 10” candlestick/Moongleam with #752 Camelot cutting; Narrow Flute celery/Lotus decoration; Tricorn candlestick/Marigold; Plantation mayo with #12 Plantation ladle; Bamboo floral bowl; Lariat fan vase/unknown fuchsia-type cutting; #1603 Shaun 14 inch plate/unknown cutting......sorry members, space limits listing more of the items.
Our raffle box with contents donated by the Camerons was won by Bob Heise – their lucky day. They thought it was Christmas in July. Our usual 50/50 auction, the sale of Jean's jams and jellies, and raffle proceeds raised $590 for the treasury.
President Mock adjourned the meeting for dessert time. Cakes, cookies, pie, fruit, and candies provided a sweet ending to a great day; something for everyone.
Thanks to John and Trudy for hosting. We nearly always have a “full house” at their home. Tom and Kathy Files and Bill and LaDon Kallmer shared hosting duties. Hope the club members and guests had a great time. Next meeting will be at Jean Wills' home in Leavenworth, KS on September 10, 2016.