May 14, 2016
Hosts Lehi and Chris German welcomed 14 members of the Great Plains Heisey into their Kansas City home on May 14, 2016. With the assistance of their friends Marty and Dave, we were served a delicious meal of four types of smoked meat prepared by Lehi and great side dishes that proved Kansas City is the king of BBQ! Many cities and restaurants like to make that claim but Lehi and Chris are serious rivals. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.
One of our newest members, Jaci Wilson of Kansas City, was able to attend her first GPHC meeting. We hope to see her at more of our meetings. We know she enjoyed herself and left with some new knowledge and some great pieces of Heisey.
President John Mock and wife Trudy were at a granddaughter's college graduation so Treasurer Tom Files acted as President pro tem. After calling the meeting to order and thanking our hosts, he passed the “hat” (actually an unusual Yeoman bowl) for our lunch – with the proceeds graciously donated to the Club treasury by our hosts. The minutes of our previous meeting were approved and the Treasury balance announced. Our club voted to split our donation to HCA during the convention 50% to the operating fund and 50% to the endowment fund.
“Martha's Moments” in Trudy's absence were demonstrated by our hostess, Chris German, using a Horsehead cigarette box for pickles, a Fish Bowl for M&M's, and a Swan master nut for cashews – proving once again Heisey is as versatile as Windex in a Big Fat Greek Wedding movie.
After discussing the candidates for the HCA Board election, we made a decision on how to mark our Club ballot. Of course, Gregg Cameron was one of our selections since he has been such a great member of our Club and we know he will make an excellent Board member.
Display tables at the convention show and sale were discussed and at least 2 members advised they would be participating.
Our program about glass animals was conducted in an discussion format with our program director Eric Tankesley-Clarke interviewing Lehi about the “whys” and the “hows” of his large collection of primarily Heisey animals displayed on their large pool table (with a Heisey blue undercloth). We saw nearly every Heisey animal and decanters and cocktail shakers with animal components. Several of the animals were settling into their new home from the Spring benefit auction held in April in Newark. They look spectacular in K.C.! We all enjoyed the informative conversational program and expect to repeat that format sometime in the future.
Show and Tell was impressive and included: Convex Circle cruet; Cabochon and New Era cordials; rarely seen #8 punch ladle; Mentor pickle tray; 1190 Yeoman cream, fruit bowl, and lemon dish; Plain Band hotel cream and sugar; Punty Band hotel cream and Punty Band 1 qt. tankard with elaborate engraving/ruby flash; Greek Key 2 handled jelly; Old Sandwich 10 oz. goblet/Moongleam; 1469 1/2 Ridgeleigh covered puff; 6 inch Pineapple and Fan rose bowl; Horseshoe vase with Diana carving; and Yeoman cocktail shaker with chrome fitting/Cobalt.
We conducted a 50/50 auction to benefit our treasury and, ultimately, HCA. Thanks to all who donated and purchased. Next was a raffle for unspecified Heisey and other glass in a big box. Bill Kallmer purchased the winning ticket and elected to keep some of the items and auction others to benefit our treasury. Thanks Bill. Mary and Gregg will be filling the raffle box in July.
We adjourned to the kitchen for our choice of 3 pies and cookies and watermelon as sweet endings for our May meeting. We also enjoyed the garden views and tours around Lehi and Chris' house. GPHC thanks our hosts for a special time at their home and all that tasty food.
Our next meeting will be in Omaha on July 9 at the home of John and Trudy Mock featuring a program on pitchers and jugs. Guests are always welcome. As always, please check on our website www.greatplainsheiseyclub.org now and then to keep up with our latest news, pictures, and other information. Gregg Cameron does a great job keeping this site current and informative.