
September 10, 2005


Fifteen members and two guests attended the Great Plains Heisey Club meeting in Kansas City, Missouri at the home of Tom and Kathy Files on September 10, 2005.  President Bucky Will called the meeting to order at 1:45.  Starting this close to the official time of 1:30 is a “first” for this crowd.


The minutes were approved as they were posted on the website.  The website has been updated and if anyone would like to write articles for the website, let Mary or Gregg know.


Tom Files, Treasurer, reported a balance of $656.19 in our treasury.  We have a total of 35 paid members for 2005.


The first item on the agenda was the Percy and Vivian Moore Dinner in Newark on October 8.  Right now, only Jean and Bucky will be attending.  They were assigned the task of taking notes about the dinner for us to use for 2006.


This first item led to the next item.  The Great Plains Club is hosting the Percy and Vivian Moore dinner on October 20 and 21, 2005 in Omaha, Nebraska.  John Mock, coordinator of the event, gave a report on his progress.  The event will be at the Oak Hills Country Club in west Omaha.  The conference hotel will be the Clarion Hotel and rooms will be $59.00 for the group rate for the event.  We will have a buffet meal on Friday night and a social.  Then, on Saturday night, we will have a sit down dinner with a fundraising event.  There will be a cash bar both nights.  The theme will be “Swimming in Heisey.”  John appointed the following chairs of subcommittees:  John and Trudy Mock – Local Arrangements; Mary Cameron – Program; Trudy Mock – Decorations;  Jean and Bucky Will – Publicity; Tom Files – Fundraiser; and Marcie and Eric Bergquist – Other Activities.  Other members of the Club will assist with the activities.


There was a brief discussion about some of the details of the dinner and Bucky and Jean will find out answers to our questions.


John and Trudy Mock thanked everyone for the cards sent honoring their 40th wedding anniversary.


Glen is hosting the November 12 meeting in Des Moines and the program will be on Crystolite.  He will solicit needed pieces to complete the program.  He will serve soup, sandwiches and dessert at 12:30 with the meeting starting at 1:30. 


Mary and Gregg Cameron gave a comprehensive Power Point program on Fandango, Cut Block and Fancy Loop patterns.  Information from the program will be posted on the website.  Many members brought pieces in each of these patterns to share with the group.  A handout was provided to all members also.


Show and Tell was calm.  Gary Corey was supposed to attend this meeting, so some members didn’t bring items to share because they knew Gary would have so many. Gary and Shelby had to cancel at the last moment, however, there were still many pieces to share.  They included:  #305 Punty and Diamond Point water jug; #338 six inch Carnation Vase; #5 Puff Jar; #1252 Twist two-compartment relish; #351 Priscilla rose bowl; #1486 Coleport two ounce bar; #393 Narrow Flute individual cream in Moongleam; #394 Narrow Flute oil and vinegar bottle; #1225 Plain Band toothpick; #150 Banded Flute oil and stopper; #3408 Jamestown one ounce cordial; #343 Sunburst jug; #1567 Plantation rolled foot mayonnaise; and five toothpicks: #1205 Fancy Loop, #335 Prince of Wales/Plumes; #379 Urn; #1295 Beaded Swag and #310 Ring Band.


The club then held their 50/50 auction as a fundraiser.


The meeting adjourned, tours were held to see the Files’ collection, and many members went to dinner before driving home.