
May 14, 2011


We’re not a new Heisey study club, but our GPHC meetings just keep getting better and better.  On May 14th, 14 members and two guests convened in Ames, Iowa at the lovely home of Mary and Gregg Cameron.  It was a nippy and damp day but we enjoyed seeing everyone and had a great time.  The Cameron’s have a beautiful Heisey collection for all to view and talk about.  Chef Matt prepared a delicious Mothers’ Day brunch for us to savor and prolong the celebration a week after the actual day.  (Mothers deserve all the attention they can get).  We requested that some of those great recipes be added to our website so others can experience them while viewing other news about our club www.greatplainsheiseyclub.org.

With a happily full stomach, President John Mock called our meeting to order at approximately 1 pm.  The previous meeting minutes were approved and the Treasurer’s report was given.  The members voted to again buy food for the hospitality room at the convention.  Other convention duties discussed included the silent auction at the museum and the banquet auction that Mary is organizing – those events are shaping up to be special times with terrific Heisey pieces donated.


Our program was on colonial Heisey nappies presented by Eric Tankesley-Clarke (aren’t his Heisey News articles informative and thorough!).  Eric had an extensive display arranged to show examples as he discussed and noted the characteristics of the patterns.  I’m sure we all will now look at the colonial nappies with more educated eyes.  And the handout will provide valuable future reference.  Thank you, Eric, for another session of learning – you did a great job.


We enjoyed a Show and Tell with a good variety of Heisey.   Some of the items shown by our members included:  Airedale and ringneck pheasant, #160 Locket on Chain and #1951 Cabochon cake salvers, #5012 Urn bud vase 10 inch with rose etch, #1776 Kalonyal molasses, #466 Great Plains basket with floral cutting, #1447 Rococo 6 inch comport and footed cheese, #1433 Thumbprint and Panel vase in sahara, #174 1/2 tumbler and #1183 Revere peach melba both with narrow optic, #1232 Spoke 8 inch plate in moongleam, #1108 1/2 Penelope egg cup, #1252 Twist nasturtium bowl in alexandrite, #393 Narrow Flute 10 inch Japanese garden tray/cupped, #4091 Kimberly 10 oz. goblet with Courtship cutting, #305 Punty and Diamond Point #2 salt shaker, #1184 Yeoman 8 oz. goblet alongside a non-Heisey look-a-like in pale green, #3355 Fairacre vase in flamingo, and, the star of the show, a previously unseen marked 8 inch nappy tentatively numbered and named #8100 Horseshoe and Bull’s Eye.  Whew, sorry if I left anything out but sometimes I ooh and aah instead of write.


Our 50/50 auction to raise money for HCA was fun and spirited as usual and a huge success.  Thanks to Jean Will for the homemade jelly and jam and to the rest of the donors.  The meeting was adjourned as it was time to eat again.  The desserts of carrot cake and lemonade cake satisfied everyone’s sweet tooth and sent all attendees away full and happy.


Thanks to Chef Matt and the Camerons for great food and a fine meeting.