May 12, 2018
With 26 attendees, the Great Plains Heisey Club met in Leavenworth, KS on May 12, 2018 at Jean Will's home. We had a wonderful lunch of Italian delights. Thank you, Jean, Janet, and Bucky for the delicious meal!
Our meeting started with President John Mock welcoming members and one guest, Donna Nyght. Our previous meeting minutes were approved and Treasurer Tom Files updated our financial status. For years our host, Jean, has made jam and jelly to sell with the proceeds adding to our treasury (and ultimately HCA). Plus, she is generous in many other ways too numerous to report. The club chose to honor Jean with a Heisey jam jar containing a gift card to her favorite local restaurant.
Two of our members will present display tables at the convention show: Pat Lucke and Trudy Mock. Look for them and vote! Attendees were also requested to consider donating Heisey for the convention auctions. The group was reminded to take the online survey explained in the Heisey News as it will help gauge what members want from HCA.
Bev Heise updated us about the September Percy and Vivian Moore event sponsored by the Northwoods Club. Sounds like great plans have been made to assure everyone of having a special time with Heisey friends. Plan to attend.
Our program presented by Eric Tankesley-Clarke was appropriate for Leavenworth: “Prison Stripe and its children.” The display of examples was spectacular and the handout was helpful. Hearing how Prison Stripe molds were modified to create later Heisey patterns was very informative. Another great program, Eric, thank you!
Show and tell featured items that had escaped for the day—too many to list them all: Spanish goblets/Titania etching; Medium Flat Panel 18 inch vase with scalloped base; Aristocrat 9 inch candlestick; Lariat 13 inch 'Heavy Edge' floral bowl; Colonial Panel straw jar with cover; Ridgeleigh round cigarette holder/Cobalt; Urn .5 gallon jug; Pointed Oval & Diamond Point cream, sugar with cover, spoon/Emerald; Puritan ash tray, 6 inch, cut; Wabash tankard with elaborate cutting; Groove and Slash 10 inch bread plate; New Era plate/Stardust cutting.
An auction was held to raise money for the treasury and pass along more good Heisey to the winning bidders. Raffle tickets were also sold and the winner was Glen Gall. Since he was a previous winner, Glen graciously 'raffled off' the box of Heisey to someone who had not won in the past, Eric.
The adjournment of the meeting was the start time for dessert. We enjoyed a special cake recognizing Jean's birthday and Bucky made superb tiramisu. There are numerous May birthdays of club members but Jean has seniority so it was her name on the cake. We hope to celebrate many more birthdays with her.
Many of our GPHC members will be in Newark for the convention – see you there. Our next club meeting will be July 14 at the home of Chris and Lehi German in Kansas City, MO. Visitors are always welcome. Check our website www.greatplainsheiseyclub.org for pictures and other club news.