
November 14, 2020


After enjoying a delicious lunch in the lovely home of …...... Oops, that may have been the way a meeting report would have started pre-pandemic but these are different times. Instead, at 1 pm on Saturday November 14, 2020, 22 members of the Great Plains Heisey Club and 1 guest met online for a virtual Zoom meeting. Thanks to Caleb-Michael Files for providing the Zoom platform and showing patience with the less technical participants among us. Now if he could just figure out how to Zoom a dessert tray to all participants at the end of the meeting.......


President John Mock called the meeting to order. A moment of silence was observed for our member, Bob Tankesley-Clarke, who passed away in September. A memorial service is planned for next June in Springfield, MO.

The September meeting minutes were approved and Tom Files gave a “no change” Treasurer's report. He reminded everyone that 2021 dues were now being collected. A member suggested consideration of adding a voluntary donation amount to our club dues to assist HCA's finances. All attendees thought that was a good idea. The current slate of officers were renominated for 2021 – official voting will occur at our March 2021 meeting.


Our HCA President, Emie Heisey, joined us and gave updates from the Board and Museum happenings – including a fire in Newark that fortunately spared our nearby warehouse building. She requested we watch videos being produced featuring Museum Director Jack Burriss so members can stay connected to HCA and also receive Heisey buying opportunities.

Trudy Mock (Martha's Moment) showed us how to use Heisey center handled servers to safely deliver goodies to friends doors during upcoming contactless holidays.


Our program had three parts and was intermingled with show & tell time. Part one of the program was viewing an informative video by Bill McKelvey showing his table setting of primarily Empress pieces – many with elaborate cuttings. Thanks for sharing with us, Bill. Parts two and three involved members showing Heisey items using the letters “A” and “B” and displaying favorite pieces out of their collections for show & tell:
Mary & Gregg – Aloof goblet w/unusual cutting; African goblet/Flamingo; Bismark goblet
Jen & Kelly – Arch tumbler/Amber; candy jar w/elaborate enamel basket design
Chris & Lehi – Elephant handled mugs/Amber and Crystal
Trudy & John – Apple marmalade w/Minuet etch; Coronation tankard/.5 gallon
Kathy & Tom – Banded Diamond Foot 3” nut & 4” jelly; Bonnet basket/Flamingo/cut; Adam goblet w/Biltmore etch; Bethel decanter and Velvedere sherry/both with Sweet Briar cutting
Donna – Recessed Panel basket
Bucky – Warwick 8” vase/Cobalt
Bev & Bob – African goblet/Flamingo; African wine/Moongleam stem; Athena candy jar; Warwick 8” vase/Gateway cutting
Glen – Lariat blackout lamp w/globe
Ande & Greg – Bob White goblet/Peacock etching; Empress vase/Arctic etching; Regal candlestick/Rosette Band etching
Pat & Rex – Acorn candlestick/Moongleam


Our next meeting is scheduled for March 2021 but the members expressed a desire for a January Zoom “social” meeting. Tentative hosts for 2021 meetings were set, dependent upon pandemic restrictions: March – Probably virtual; May – Donna; July – John and Trudy; September – Marcie and Eric; November – Pat and Rex. President John adjourned the meeting at 2:30 pm by wishing everyone happy and healthy holiday seasons.