November 11, 2023
'Twas a warm, sunny weekend in the heart of America (Omaha, NE area to be specific) when 26 attendees met for our final 2023 Great Plains Heisey Club meeting. It was a Veteran's Day to remember. Our hosts, Pat & Rex Lucke, welcomed us into their lovely home already decked out for Christmas. 15 Christmas trees in various rooms were adorned with a large variety of decorations. What a delight to enjoy!
After a delicious lunch provided by our hosts, President John Mock called our meeting to order. John welcomed Barbara and Steve Brown from Minnesota as guests but fortunately for us they paid dues and became GPHC members. We're looking forward to having them aboard in 2024 and the future.
September minutes and treasurer's report were approved. 2024 meeting locations were confirmed, starting on March 9th hosted by Donna Nyght in Shawnee, KS.
Mary Cameron reported on fundraisers being considered to support replacement of some aged HVAC units at the Heisey Museum. There was a recap of the Fall auctions (net income well above budget – yeah to the Auction Committee and volunteers) and an update on the new locations for the 2024 Convention events. Table displays will be managed by Lori & Jeff Stillman and they are seeking participants: contact at 703-338-8240 or lstillman65@hotmail.com
Trudy Mock (aka Martha's Moment) always provides uses for broken Heisey. She adds them to her landscaping as one example. At this meeting, Trudy showed jewelry pendants made with parts from Charter Oak and Waverly patterns. A great 2nd life for Heisey.
Our raffle box winner was new member Barb Brown. Congratulations Barb! (It was totally above board that she drew one of her own ticket numbers from the hat.)
Eric Tankesley-Clarke prepared a wonderful program on Heisey decanters, cocktail mixers, and bar bottles to continue our series about barware. A large table of outstanding examples gave us so many to view, including ones rarely if ever seen before, and some containing exquisite cuttings. Thanks to Eric, we are now informed about Heisey barware! Even a teetotaler would admire this program by Eric and appreciate how Heisey met the public trends and needs.
Show and Tell, as usual, showed off some unusual and interesting pieces
Chris & Lehi: Saturn hostess set with toothpick holders
Janet: Pair, World candleholders (keen-eyed find in a local estate sale)
Trudy & John: #355 ashtray and match stand with striking surface
Kathy & Tom: Yeoman cocktail mixer, cobalt; Spencer decanter, Frontenac etching
Barb & Steve: Paneled Octagon floral bowl, amber
Eric: Visible cooking ware, oval baking dish; #1630 tumbler, stacking; #4057 James oil; #4063 Oval water bottle
A 50/50 auction fundraiser was conducted and spirited bidding resulted on items varying from a sought-after yellow peony plant to jellies to books to lavender jars with numerous Heisey items in between.
Our meeting was adjourned for the tasty desserts Pat had for us. Thanks to Pat & Rex for hosting in fine fashion. Merry Christmas and Happy 2024! You will hear from us next Spring when we gather after our winter recess. Safety and good health to all. More info is available on our informative website greatplainsheiseyclub.org