
April 8, 2006


Seventeen members attended the Great Plains Heisey Club meeting in Omaha at the home of John and Trudy Mock on April 8, 2006.  It was a beautiful spring day and we started the meeting with a wonderful salad lunch.  President Bucky Will called the meeting to order at 1:50.  This was an amazing start due to the great food and everyone admiring the remodeling the Mocks did over the winter.


The minutes were approved as they were posted on the website.  


Tom Files, Treasurer, reported a balance of $994.69 in our treasury and dues were collected for 2006 from those attending.


Mary Cameron talked about the club’s annual report due to HCA on May 1 and Bucky Will and Kathy Files were elected Convention voting delegate and alternate delegate, respectively.


Mary also shared email from HCA about the convention.  It was decided to donate $50.00 for Hospitality Room expenses and Mary will email Karen Clark to see when she would like for our Club to help in the room during the Convention.


Mary had also received information about the Centerpiece Auction and the Blind Auction.  Mary will email HCA for more information about these fundraisers and a final decision will be made at the May meeting.


The May 13 meeting is at Jean Will’s home in Leavenworth and the program will be on Heisey Colors.  Mary will send out more information about the meeting closer to the date.


Jean gave a short report about the week she spent in Newark in late March.  She also mentioned that it appears there will be no glass show at the church this year. 


Kathy and Tom Files and Bucky Will also shared their experiences about attending the Gaithersburg show.


Next on the agenda was discussion about the Percy Moore dinner that the Great Plains Heisey Club is hosting on October 20 and 21.  Most activities have been set with the duties to be performed by Club members decided later.  Dick Marsh has agreed to talk about Percy Moore at the dinner.  Jean gave out brochures in Newark and Tom and Kathy gave out brochures at Gaithersburg.  Mary and Gregg took brochures to the Northwoods Heisey Club.  Pat and Rex will host a brunch at their house on Saturday morning for those registered for the dinner.


Marcia Philbrick gave the program on cruets and did a fantastic job.


Show and Tell followed with:  #357 Prison Stripe toothpick; #341 Puritan footed toothpick (we actually had two of these at Show and Tell); #101 Simplicity Candlesticks; #150 Banded Flute Sugar Sifter with a cutting; #1205 Fancy Loop Rose Bowl; #1404 Old Sandwich round cream and sugar; #1619 Block Five Candleholder; #394 Narrow Flute Domino Sugar; #1503 Crystolite 11 inch Shell Salad with mayo comp.; #1503 Crystolite footed candy with cover; #461 Banded Picket Moongleam basket with cutting; #5023 Continental 11 oz. Goblets with #939 Festoon Wreath Cutting; #341 Old Williamsburg 2 oz. wine; #351 Priscilla cruet with cutting and gold trim; #300 Peerless catsup bottle; #1567 Plantation 1/4 lb. butter with cover; #411 Tudor cream with Moongleam handle and much, much more.