
March 27, 2010


It was a dark and stormy night – no – it was a cloudy and rainy March day for spending some “time” in Leavenworth but our hostesses, Jean and Bucky Will, made our first meeting of 2010 a great experience.   Our members are in four states and 20 made the trip, plus we had one guest.  Thanks, Jean, for opening your home to us.


After our meeting was called to order by President John Mock, Tom Files presented the Treasurer’s report and confirmed our $500 club donation to the Bredehoft book fund.  Tom then explained the Louise Ream Circle program and fielded questions from the members.


Our club is very proud of our members, Pat and Rex Lucke, who generously funded new roofs for the Heisey museum buildings.  They stipulated the best materials be used to ensure a longer life for the roofs.  Not only are they generous but they are great members in our club!


Trudy Mock showed a Martha Stewart Living magazine that featured cake stands by various glass companies -- the prettiest one, of course, was by Heisey, the #1205 Fancy Loop salver.  She also shared a hint to use various stems as nut or mint servers and had pictures from another magazine to illustrate.  Glen Gall reported on his experience with the April issue of Midwest Living magazine that was to have pictures of Heisey pieces from his collection.  Alas, Glen’s work ended up on the cutting room floor. What a shame and disappointment to miss out on seeing some of Glen’s Heisey treasures.


Eric Tankesley-Clarke presented the program “Heisey Bottoms (and a few tops)” – and what an impressive presentation it was.  Thanks to Eric for all of his research, photography, display assembly, and informative hand-out.  Many of our members are long time Heisey collectors but we learned we really haven’t paid close attention to several Heisey patterns with differences in the same pieces.  Hopefully we will post this program on our club website for other clubs to “steal” and use in presenting their programs.  No matter your Heisey expertise, we guarantee you will learn some new things from this presentation.


Jean and Bucky had served some great KC BBQ (it is the best in the nation you know) but after that good program we recessed for homemade pies.  With yummy dessert smiles on our faces, we continued with Show and Tell.  The program was an extensive Show and Tell itself but members also brought some things accumulated over the nasty winter we had:  Candlesticks -- #27 Daisy 9 inch with cutting, #22 Windsor 8 inch with cutting, #3 Marlboro 9 inch, #1 Georgian 9 inch, #1205 Raindrop, #106 Inverted Saucer/Flamingo, #137 Concave Circle/Sahara,  #1511 Toujours candle vase and 13 inch floral bowl, both with Minuet etch.  Also, #1469 Ridgeleigh 7 inch square plate, #1225 Plain Band 7 inch comport & cover, and #357 flared Prison Stripe 10 inch nappy were shown.


We concluded our activities with a lively 50/50 auction to add to our treasury.  There were some treasures won as several members added to their collections.  Sure was great to see everyone again and to know good weather is here for hunting Heisey more easily.


Our next meeting will be May 8th at the home of Pat and Rex Lucke in Elkhorn, NE.  The program will be on animal related Heisey objects.  Check the website at www.greatplainsheiseyclub.org  for the latest news.