
November 20, 1999


Eleven members including one new member, Marcie attended the November meeting at the home of Pat and Rex in Elkhorn, NE. President Tom called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved without change. The Treasurer's Report was approved as presented. The Membership and Publicity chairperson, Trudy, advised three new members have completed the requirements to join the club Marcie and Bill and Joann. Others who have indicated interest in joining include Mary and Warren of Colorado Springs, CO., Jean of Leavenworth, KS., Janice and Elmer of Murdock, NE., and Dave of Omaha, NE. It was agreed an invitation to join the club be sent to these individuals, including advisement of dues amount and requirement of membership in Heisey Collectors of America, Inc.


The Program chairperson, Harold, was not present but had advised the Secretary via e-mail that the program for the March, 2000 meeting would be on the subject of Heisey colors. A questionnaire to obtain members’ desires about the content of future programs was distributed to each attendee. Members were requested to complete the questionnaire and return it to Tom by December 15, 1999. He will compile the data and coordinate with Harold to meet the desires of the membership. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to make "Show and Tell" items brought by members a recurring feature of each meeting.


A draft of bylaws required to form an official Heisey study club was made available for review by the members. Any comments should be provided to the President and Secretary. If no changes are proposed, the bylaws as drafted will be incorporated into the application for a charter from HCA.


Having no other old or new business to discuss, the program for the evening was started. Various books available for the study of Heisey glass were briefly described and made available for review. Kathy, John , and Gary provided interesting details about many Heisey candlesticks they had brought from their collections. Some of the candlesticks shown included the four Toy candlesticks made by Heisey, #3 Marlboro, #5 Patrician, #122 Zigzag in Flamingo, #120 Overlapping Swirl in Flamingo, Moongleam, and Hawthorne, #140 Crocus, #129 Tricorn with Moongleam foot, #71 Oval with cutting, #1540 1/2 Lariat three light candleblock and many, many others. Show and Tell items included a #1024 Eileen cream and sugar with cutting, #1184 Yeoman stack set cream and sugar with possibly a Tuthill cutting, and a Heisey door knob among other items.


Pat then led the group on a tour of her beautiful home (already festively decorated for the Holiday season) to see very extensive collections of Heisey, Pottery, Toys, Samplers, Quilts, and other collectibles. Everything was exquisitely displayed in custom cabinets and other wonderful pieces of furniture. Many additional candlesticks and other rare Heisey pieces (including almost all of the Heisey animals, all the Recessed Panel candy jars, to name just a small portion of a wonderful collection) were available for viewing throughout the home. After the extensive viewing, Pat and Rex treated the guests to desserts, coffee, and wine.


After a most enjoyable and informative meeting in a beautiful setting, the meeting was adjourned with best wishes for the Holidays and successful Heisey hunting in the winter months.


The next meeting will be at 3 p.m. on March 11, 2000, at the home of Shelby and Gary in Omaha. A map will be provided in advance of the meeting.