Minutes - PVM Weekend
September 9, 2017
September 9, 2017, was a beautiful day to experience Omaha's “Good Life” at the great Mock Manor. BUT what does one think as you approach the front and there is a fountain with a Greek Key punch bowl filled with a lovely fall flower arrangement??? Look around and there's Heisey pieces to the right and left embedded in the landscaping front and back! John and Trudy really set the tone for our GPHC meeting attended by 30 members.
The first activity was a delicious buffet lunch provided by John and Trudy and co-hosts LaDon and Bill Kallmer and Kathy and Tom Files.
Our president called the meeting to order and passed a Sunburst jug for donations for the great lunch. The hosts passed the donations on to our treasury – so the money eventually goes to HCA at convention time. Previous meeting minutes were approved and the treasurer's report was given. Several members reported they plan to attend the Percy & Vivian Moore event in Newark in October. Gregg Cameron, a current HCA board member, reported about the need for elevator repairs and other issues going on at the Museum.
Trudy Mock presented her “Martha Moment” with a warning to check for repairs when buying Heisey and had an example of a repaired candlestick with a difficult to see corner repair. She next explained how to use a small vase inside a large item to help with floral arrangements, e.g. her dining room punch bowl centerpiece. Trudy also showed Fancy Loop salt shakers with and without unusual raised ridges in the inside base. Or you could call them a raised plus sign. Why???
Our program was “Heisey's Opaque and Opalescent Glass” presented by Eric Tankesley-Clarke. Numerous examples, a great handout, and Eric's vast knowledge make for a true 'seminar' to help all of us be better informed. Many pieces were black lighted to show the different reactions of Ivorina Verde, Opal, and Opalescent Heisey. We are so lucky when Eric tackles a subject and gives us good lessons.
It was obvious our group had been waiting awhile for Show & Tell: Heisey bell with Minuet Etching, Sunburst jug, Fleur de Lis plate/Sahara, Louisiana salt & pepper/Moongleam, Aloof goblet/Iroquois etching, Saturn vase/flared and crimped, Hairpin basket, Lariat goblets/Moonglo, Moon Beam, and Moon Gleam cuttings, Coronation Slim Jim and Tempo goblet/Max Seidel cutting & engraving, Carcassonne decanter/Sahara, Wellington candlestick/Wheeling Anhingas & Urns decoration, Fort Hayes goblet, Winged Scroll Ring Holder/Custard, Verlys butter pats/Dragonfly pattern, Ritz goblet with Moongleam foot/Oak Leaves etching, 9 inch Cornucopia vases/Cobalt, Peerless #4 hotel salt & pepper shakers. And this was only about one-half of what was on display. We have some long time Heisey collectors in our club and some of the pieces had not been seen before.
Our sale of pieces donated by members was held next and raised $278 for our treasury and resulted in some happy buyers. Thanks to all who donated – and bought. Our raffle box of items was donated by Marcie and Eric Bergquist. The lucky winning ticket was purchased by Tom Files who then decided on pieces to keep and pieces to sell. Ticket sales were $150 and resold items brought in another $130.
After another really good meeting we adjourned for the dessert buffet provided by many of our GPHC award-winning bakers! All delicious!
Thanks to our hosts, John and Trudy Mock, for sharing their pretty home (and new wraparound outside deck), great Heisey displays, and a tasty lunch buffet for all to enjoy. Special thanks to Jennifer Bragg for a week of glass cleaning and other help. Our Nebraska meetings always draw large crowds and we all get to share the state motto, “The Good Life”.
Our November 11, 2017, meeting has been changed to the Cameron home in Ankeny, IA. Guests are always welcome. Visit our website at www.greatplainsheiseyclub.org for pictures and to learn more about our club. ,090.00 – Total Proceeds to HCA Operating Fund