
March 14, 2015


On March 14, 2015, we had multi ‘firsts’ at Glen Gall’s home in the Des Moines, IA area:
…First Great Plains study club meeting in 2015
…First Great Plains meeting for our newest members, Chris and Lehi German
…First 2015 vintage jams and jellies made by Jean Will
AND one more first noted later.  AND, we hope, the last of winter weather for awhile.


Glen’s Heisey collection sparkled and we enjoyed seeing his new acquisitions such as an Alexandrite Cathedral vase with Calcutta cutting. 


Lunch was beyond delicious!  Glen’s family and friends made tasty contributions.  Marian and Tim and Peg and Jim laid out a spread of stuffed chicken breasts, pasta, veggies, and salads and Peg’s homemade yeast rolls that was savored by everyone.


President Mock convened the meeting, minutes were approved, and the treasury report given.  Tom Files asked that a commendation be entered into the minutes for all the work by Gregg Cameron to complete the Joe Lokay Initiative of making available and searchable HCA newsletters on the HCA website.  A tremendous effort to scan and upload over 30 years of News by month and a great resource for Heisey research. 


Bucky Will is working with the National Depression Glass Show coordinator to add HCA’s presence at their national convention to be held in Kansas City this year on July 11 & 12.
…The GPHC will hold our regular July meeting there during this time
…Member Eric Tankesley-Clarke will conduct two seminars on Heisey
…Tom and Kathy Files will set up an informational HCA table
…Bucky Will plans a display table of her Heisey
We’re trying to spread the Heisey story and attract new members.


Requests from HCA regarding display tables at the convention this year and possible silent auction donations were discussed.  Specific plans will be finalized at our May meeting.


“Martha’s Moment” by Trudy Mock showed how to use a Heisey fruit basket with decorated eggs and ribbon to make a centerpiece for Easter.  She reminded us to use curly ribbon instead of a commercial “grass” that can be harmful to pets.


Discussions about fund raising and meeting formats were lively—final decisions reserved until May.


Eric presented an unusual program titled, “Heisey Made One of Those?”  A large table was filled with Heisey special purpose items, oddities, and ‘onesies’.  Some of the items on display were Punty and Diamond Point mucilage bottle and electric lamp shade, 352 Flat Panel knife rest, Winged Scroll ring tree, #1 caviar liner, complete Hood sterilizer jar, #1 tea drip with handled tea basket, #3 ice tea spoon, #6 shoe holder, #21 hat pin holder, Banded Flute match box, Peerless 3 handled ‘Loving Cup’, Quator conserve and ash tray with striker center, complete Narrow Flute with Rim griddle set, #1116 twin salt, #1118 Indian Hill grapefruit with liner, #1120 sponge holder, #1516 mirror handle, Shaw jug with Union Pacific silver base, handle and cover, 3 Visible Cooking Ware pieces, Medium Flat Panel soap dish with cover, #8133 urinal, and other rarely seen unique items.  It showed Heisey’s propensity to be market-sensitive to its buyers regardless of the seemingly limited use of some of the items.


Show and Tell of winter finds came next.  Kohinoor 14 inch floral bowl in a custom metal stand; Cut Block table sugar w/cover/cut; #1466 Star relish with Chevy Chase carving; 2 Kimberly wines/Barcelona cutting; Beaded Panel & Sunburst ind. salt;  Flame candlestick/gold flash—Dorothy Thorpe mark; Albemarle goblet/Chateau cutting; New Era goblet, champagne, & plate—all Sea Glade cutting; Kalonyal flared/shallow punch bowl & stand; Yorktown champagne/Field Artillery School etching; #7098 Cut Daisy plate; #3477 Isaly’s footed ice tea/Monticello etching; Olympia 10 inch vase with Moongleam foot/Bachelor’s Button cutting; Saturn violet vase/Zircon.  Whew!! You had to be there…….


We concluded our meeting with an auction of Heisey, cracked pecans, and Jean’s jams and jellies to raise money for the treasury.  President Mock adjourned our meeting (maybe another official first) so we could eat dessert.  Desserts covered the kitchen counters and made us all very happy as we departed.


Our May 9 meeting will be in Omaha, NE at the home of President John and “Martha” Mock – visitors always welcomed.  In the meantime, get out there and hunt for Heisey!