Revised: May 8, 2010


Article I — Name

The name of this organization shall be the Great Plains Heisey Club and the official rules of conduct, organization, and procedures shall be as set forth in these Bylaws.


Article II — Objectives

The objectives of the Great Plains Heisey Club shall be, as a chartered study club of the Heisey Collectors of America (HCA), Inc., to conduct and promote creative and educational activities in the collection and study of the glass produced by the A. H. Heisey & Company through the following means:

A. By bringing together those interested in Heisey glass to provide an opportunity for members to exchange knowledge of Heisey glass and thereby increase their enjoyment of the glass.

B. By researching and providing information of the various Heisey glass items,  patterns, colors and processes of manufacture, to be made available to members in programs and through publications brought to the attention of members.

C. By urging preservation of Heisey glass in the National Heisey Glass Museum located in Newark, Ohio.

D. By endeavoring to help support the Heisey Collectors of America, Inc. and the National Heisey Glass Museum.


Article III — Membership

Section 1.  A member may be anyone with an interest in Heisey Glass who is a member in good standing of the Heisey Collectors of America, Inc.

Section 2.  To  remain in good standing, members will pay annual dues by the March meeting of each year.


Article IV — Dues

Section 1.  Dues shall be assessed yearly and will be for either a single membership or a family membership (multiple persons at the same address).

Section 2.  The amount of dues shall be determined each year for the following year at the November meeting and be approved by the majority of the members present.


Article V — Meetings

Section 1.  Meetings shall normally be held starting in March and excluding the months of January, February, and December at sites, dates and times determined by the membership.

Section 2.  The annual meeting for the purpose of electing officers shall be held in March of each year.

Section 3.   Special meetings may be called by the President, or by a majority vote of the members present at a regular club meeting.

Section 4.  A majority of the membership present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.


Article VI — Officers

Section 1.  Officers of this organization shall be a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
In the absence of the President, either of the other two officers may preside over a meeting.

Section 2.  Any officer or committee member not performing his duty in a proper manner may be removed from office by a vote of two-thirds of the membership present.

Section 3.  A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to constitute an election.

Section 4.  Vacancies in office may be filled by special election.

Section 5.  All officers shall be elected at the annual March meeting and shall continue in office one year or until the next annual election.


Article VII — Standing Committees

Section 1.  Two standing committees -- Program and Membership/Publicity -- may be appointed at the discretion of the President.

Section 2.  The Program Committee shall plan the course of study and activities and shall make arrangements for carrying them out.  The Program Committee shall be comprised of the President and one member selected by the membership.

Section 3.  The Membership/Publicity Committee shall prepare and distribute information  about the club in order to solicit new members and promote the Club.


Article VIII — Special Committees

Special committees shall be established at the discretion of the officers and such committees shall report to the officers and to the membership and shall be dissolved upon completion of their stated function.


Article IX — Order of Business

All regular meetings shall be conducted in the following order of business:

  1. Meeting called to order

  2. Recording and reading of the minutes of the previous meeting

  3. Communications from the President

  4. Treasurer’s report

  5. Reports of Committees

  6. Old business

  7. New business

  8. Program

  9. Special Events

  10. Adjournment


Article X — Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the proceedings of this club in all cases not provided for in these Bylaws.


Article XI — Surrender of Club Charter

Section 1.  Surrender of the Club Charter will be considered by the membership when a motion is made and seconded.  Discussion on the motion may occur but no vote will be taken on the date the motion was made.

Section 2.  A mailing must be sent to members within ten days after the motion was made and at least fifteen days prior to voting on the motion.  This mailing shall include:  a) the day, date, place and time of the Club meeting where the voting is to occur;  b) a copy of the motion;  c) a proxy ballot to be used by those members unable to be present at said meeting.  Signed proxy ballots must be returned to the Club Secretary prior to the announced meeting.

Section 3.  Surrender of the HCA, Inc. Club Charter requires approval by two-thirds majority affirmative vote by duly executed proxy ballots and club members present.

Section 4.  If the motion passes, the Club President shall immediately notify the President of HCA, Inc. in writing, announcing the Club’s decision.

Section 5.  If the motion passes, the Great Plains Heisey Club shall cease to function except that the officers shall surrender all assets, records, and monies to the President of HCA, Inc.


Article XII — Amendments

Section 1.  These Bylaws may be amended or repealed at any regular meeting by a majority vote.

Section 2.  Any active member shall have the privilege of proposing amendments to the Bylaws, providing they are submitted in writing to the Secretary and read to the Club at a regular meeting at least one month before they are voted upon.